Since April 2, 1996
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The latest news, courtesy of Ethan at
A list of all official material ever released
-- Courtesy of Gary Huested.
Illustrated with picture sleeves!
The Largest R.E.M. Boot info collection on the Internet! With Pictures!
Gig Timeline
Darryl White's growing list of Every R.E.M. Concert, with many setlists!
Chat Room
Talk *live* with other R.E.M. fans.
A compilation of lyrics to every R.E.M. song, courtesy of Kipp Teague
Guitar Chords
A great collection of guitar chords and tab to virtually every R.E.M.
song, courtesy of Chris Bray
Other Links
Links to Other R.E.M. sites on the web.
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The R.E.M. Collector's Guide
R.E.M.'s Fan Club Has an Official Site! - Click Here!
The pilgrimage has gained momentum...
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Welcome to the R.E.M. internet collector's guide!
This is the Home Page for the R.E.M. nut.
This site is not associated with R.E.M. in any official capacity.
This page contains contributions from R.E.M. fans around the world, and also provides
links to R.E.M. related resources on the Internet. Most of the links are frequently updated.
Please send additions and corrections to Jason Zimberoff at

Recent changes and additions

R.E.M. On Sesame Street
Did you miss R.E.M.'s appearance on Sesame Street in 1998?
Well find out when they will re-run it, and watch the video online at :

Click Here to see Peter Buck speak about the destruction of America's Heritage Forests.

Vintage R.E.M. Posters & Other Stuff For Sale!!!

You can join the Official Fan Club and receive regular news mailings along
with the now famous yearly Christmas single (not available anywhere else)
by sending $10 if you're in North America ($12 if you are elsewhere) to:
R.E.M. Fan Club
P.O. Box 8032
Athens, GA 30603

This home page is not associated with R.E.M. in any official manner
(c)2002 Jason Zimberoff,
Thanks to Simone Jarzabek, who originally created the 1st R.E.M. web page ca. 1994.